Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beauty in the Sky

The clouds in Texas are amazing! So fluffy and full and vivid! As a kid, cloud watching was one of my very favorite things to do. I'd go out into a field and lay down and stare at the sky for hours. Here, you really can't do that because it's too hot in Texas to do I take pictures of them. I just LOVE the texture and how many colors and dimensions there are. I love when the bright sun comes shining through them... The photo to the right shows that perfectly. It's simply beautiful!

I was at the Japanese Tea Gardens, and I looked up, and staring back at me was a creature with it's mouth open ready to eat the other clouds! And then then I saw a cute little fluffy elephant! So very fun!

The sky is just full of big, billowing clouds. Even when you are right in the middle of the freeway, and there is nothing but concrete and cars around you, just look up, or out the window, and the sky is just overflowing with beauty. It's such a dramatic contrast, and quite pleasant.

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